Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Arts and Entertainment
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  • Home Based Businesses
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  • Exports and Imports
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  • Travel and Tourism

An important note - we are not a platform for permanent, full-time jobs or for unpaid internships/volunteer roles.

In order to join your video call, you need to login and can click on call button present in today's session on dashboard.
With JBM, all sessions happen online, which is way easier for mentors and mentees. Also, our platform being online and accessible to business owners all over the word, video calls are the most efficient way to connect and keep you safe. If you do meet with a mentor or mentee off platform, you will be able to do so after you book the appointment online and pay the necessary fees. Please note that the mentors also have to consent to meeting in person and the personal meeting charges are different from online charges. The meeting is also possible only when the mentor and mentee are present in the same city / location to schedule a meeting. Hence all these factors should be considered while trying to book the mentor meeting in person.
We strongly discourage users from cancelling mid-session unless there are serious issues at hand, such as abuse. In the unfortunate case that this does occur, you can report it and stop the session immediately directly within the video window. JBM will promptly investigate the situation and get back to you as quickly as possible.
JBM has created a three-tier system for compensating mentors. Depending on your level of expertise and years of professional experience, you will be assigned to one of them. Also, the more active you are as a mentor, the quicker you can jump up a tier. JBM keeps 20% (tax included) from each session which is reinvested into the platform in order to improve the overall user experience. Please refer to the table below to get a better idea of how our pricing structure works.
We currently list our prices in AED and they will show up on your bank statement as the currency of your own country. We will add more currencies soon. All payments will be made to the Mentors Bank Accounts on pre agreed dates.
Session bookings will automatically be listed in your respective time zone, as they are based on people's computer and browser time zones. So, if you’re a mentor in Dubai and have set your availability for 12:00pm GMT, it will show up as 1:30am IST for your mentee in India. Additionally, sessions can be booked anywhere between 8:00am GMT (Dubai Time) to 8:00pm GMT (Dubai Time).
No contact information is available for others to see on the site. The only way in which mentors are contacted is through an appointment request on their profile page or by us, via email.
You can deactivate your account by sending an email to and once we review that you have no pending assignments your account will be deactivated and in the case of mentors they will no longer be visible to the mentees. However you can activate your profile whenever you want by mailing since you have already been previously approved.
We will not tolerate any of the following behavior by a mentor or mentee: Sexual and non-sexual harassment, intimidation and shaming tactics, publicly posting or divulging private information that was shared during the session, any form of threat and blackmail, blatant ignoring of mentees and their needs. Should any of this behavior be flagged during or after a session, JBM will promptly investigate the situation and take the appropriate measures to rectify the situation.
Your video call is powered by paid app, an awesome tool for video conferencing and messaging. Currently, paid app is supported on Safari, from version 11, on macOS and iOS is supported in paid app-video.js 1.2.1 and greater. Earlier versions of Safari are not compatible with paid app-video.js because they do not support WebRTC. Safari, from version 12.1, includes support for VP8 and VP8 simulcast. Make sure you have another browser open, such as Chrome or Firefox for mac users. Also, before jumping onto your video call, make sure that both your microphone and computer webcam are functioning properly and that your bandwidth is between 1.5 and 1.75 Mbps for high quality video. You can check this by running a speed test, which can be found simply by googling internet speed test.
Paid app is a very reliable video conferencing service, so you may just need to verify your internet connection and/or audio and webcam settings. You have the option of changing which camera, microphone, and speakers the voice and video chat plug-in utilizes. To open your settings: Click on the Options button at the bottom of your chat list. Select Chat settings. Adjust the selections accordingly in the drop-down menus for your camera, microphone, and speakers. If you are still having issues, please refer to the following helpful links:

Mac Support

Windows Support

Apple Discussion

We’d love to know if you’re interested in joining our team! We’re young and growing and welcome you to send you CV to
If you’re considering recording your session, we highly recommend you notify your mentor or mentee prior to doing so. Not doing so can be considered as a breach of privacy. Video recordings may only be used to prove a claim in the case of abuse and may not be shared with anyone else other than JBM. Please refer to our Privacy policy for more information on this. Here's what to do: Contact Admin with information for the next upcoming scheduled session. The admin will oversee and record the session.
Jupiter Mentors is a business consulting web platform for professionals who have built a successful career in various areas of business and want to give back. Jupiter Mentors enables you to connect with startups, existing mid-sized entrepreneurs or companies and offer guidance to help them build and grow their businesses.
Aspiring mentees looking for mentors in various areas of business, eg: Business plan, Marketing, Market research, Marketing strategies, HR etc. where they require guidance and expertise, can search for professional mentors in the respective areas. Both mentors and mentees will be notified once a suitable match has been made. Once approved, a mentee can proceed consulting with the assigned mentor. If they are interested in your guidance, they will request a session based on your availabilities, which you can either approve or decline. Sessions are held via videoconference / calls on our platform and also through chats , emails or personal meeting. You will be reminded in advance of the start time.Once Session is complete, it will show in your earnings part in the DashBoard. Thereafter, at agreed dates, the payments will be transferred to your approved and listed bank accounts. All bank charges to your account.
Each skill profile is vetted by JBM before making it visible on the platform. This is done by verifying the completeness of the profile as also accuracy vis-a-vis other public sources. Once we approve any profile, an approval e-mail is sent to the mentor, and in case we are not sure about some details, we send a clarification e-mail. Profiles that do not match JBM’s mandate (i.e., students, interns, executive and office assistants etc) are not approved, as we do not focus on roles matching their requirements. Prospective mentors will be interviewed by JBM and listing will be on the basis of the interview and documents submitted.
Since we try our best to source quality mentor, the mentees seek quality professionals. The more detailed your profile is, the more inclined they are to shortlist you. Make sure to mention at least one skill and give a detailed description of the past assignments you have worked on. Think of it as a structured cover note that helps the company decide whether to look at your CV.
We approve each skill profile before making it visible on the platform, by verifying the completeness of the profile as also accuracy vis-a-vis other public sources. JBM vets professionals who apply as mentors on the basis of the mentors experience in the particular field he/ she is applying for.
Mentors will be asked to submit their CV with a cover letter, references, Qualification certifications and trade/ professional license (where applicable) while applying for a profile on the platform. This information will be evaluated by the team and references will be contacted where necessary. The mentor will be contacted if any clarifications need to be made. Mentors will be hired on the basis of their experience (7+ years) that extend across all major disciplines.
From the beginning, JBM vets and classifies each mentor based on their level of expertise and years of professional experience. Refer to our pricing chart for more information. In order to jump up a tier, we look for a particular dedication to mentoring.
You can decline a mentee’s request in case you have a last-minute scheduling issue or you foresee a personal conflict with them. We however, strongly recommend that you follow through on your sessions since you indicated you were available and cancelling could reflect badly on you and possibly your ratings. You will not be penalized for cancelling a request. However, multiple cancellations will result in a warning and the probable deletion of your account.
If you absolutely must cancel your session, we request that you do so at least 24 hours in advance on your booking page. Currently, mentors cannot reschedule with a mentee. If cancel last minute, you will receive a warning email from JBM shortly after.
Mentees are urged to cancel 24 hours before your session. You will receive an email notifying the reason for the cancellation. If your mentee was unable to cancel 24 hours in advance, we will gladly find a way to make it up to you.
Upon booking a session with you, mentees must specify the kind of help they are looking for and can link to information for you to review prior to your session together. This will give you a clear idea of their expectations and you can structure your session on the basis of this.
Upon setting up your monthly schedule, you will receive an email from us with a few key tips that will help you be the best mentor for your mentee. Mentees are coming to you for guidance, so be sure to prepare yourself beforehand by reading their intro message and reviewing materials they may have linked. And remember, JBM is here to support you should you need an extra hand in getting started. Don’t hesitate to contact us if that’s the case.
Mentorship is always not a perfect match. However, unless there are serious issues at hand, such as abuse, we ask that you kindly set your impressions aside and try to help your mentee as best you can and complete the session.
Yes, we charge a nominal fee of 20% per session as a online consulting fee to maintain the platform and recover operating costs. Also a 15% fee is charged for services purchases by the mentee through the platform.
The mentee pays through the platform and the platform releases the amount to the mentor after deducting the 20% service fee.Once you have completed your session, at pre agreed dates i.e either monthly or bi-monthly, your earning will be directly deposited into your designated bank account . For Service Fee charged to the client - the fees will be remitted to your account 50% within 3 working days after having received the funds in the account. The balance 50% will be released after deducting the platform service fee of 15% after completion of the assignment as a part of the regular billing cycle.
As often or as sparse as you like. JBM is your way of giving back and earning extra revenue, all while offering you as much flexibility as possible. However, we do strongly suggest you provide a minimum of four sessions per month to maintain your accounts active status and keep mentees interested.
If you’re unable to provide availabilities for several weeks and months, the ‘request a session’ button on your profile will automatically be rendered inactive.
When you receive the email we will have sent you to confirm or decline a session request, you’ll have the option to add your upcoming booking to your personal calendar. If you download it and open it, your calendar client will be opened and the event will automatically be saved.
If you wish to change your discipline, just contact us. We will take care of switching it for you. Be sure to indicate the new discipline you would like to mentor under in your email.
JBM is always involved in growing the platform and spreading awareness to a wide audience of professionals. More mentees on board is definitely one of the ways. However, as a mentor you can also take steps to assure you get more bookings. Excellent and timely service to existing portfolio of mentees is an important one. JBM providers mentees with the ability to rate theirs mentors. Good ratings and comments gets you more noticed and more likely to be selected by new mentees. Also, always keep up to date and constantly train yourself. Growing your portfolio will keep you one step ahead of the other mentors on the platform and updating your knowledge to meet the dynamic landscape of business. Eg: Introduction of VAT in UAE. We’ll also be featuring our mentors on a regular basis to help you get the visibility you deserve!
Our review form has 5 objective parameters viz. Quality of work, Timeliness of work, Expertise level, Professionalism & Creativity, and a subjective parameter where clients can give comments on their experience working with you. The mentee will also be able to rate on a 5 point scale which will then be aggregated to produce a single score. Mentees will only be able to see whether you have feedback, and at the overall score at the summary level. The detailed feedback will be visible only when they get access to your detailed skill profile.

You can deactivate your account by sending an email to and once we review that you have no pending assignments your account will be deactivated and will no longer be visible to the mentees.

However you can activate your profile whenever you want by mailing since you have already been previously approved.

If you choose to Delete your account, your skill profile will be completely deleted from our database and you will need to register again.

You can change your notification settings also, if you wish to unsubscribe yourself from our newsletters, blogs and opportunity alerts.

At present there is no subscription fee to be paid to be a Mentor on the platform. All that is required is to be referred by another existing mentor and 2 client referrals. However, going forward, the platform reserves the right to charge an Annual listing fee after completing 10 paid sessions on the platform. Also, there would be additional charges should the mentor want to highlight his profile or advertise as Featured Mentor or wants to offer services at discounted prices etc.

JBM is a Web platform that provides seamless access to industry professionals who can guide and mentor you as you journey forward as an entrepreneur. If you are a startup, existing mid-sized entrepreneur or a company looking for assistance with various aspects of your business then JBM is the right destination. Jupiter Mentors enables startups, existing mid-sized entrepreneurs or companies to connect with experienced business professionals who will offer guidance to help with building and growing their businesses.

Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill, get feedback on work, or receive invaluable business advice, our mentors are enthusiastically there to help!

After signing up and creating a mentee profile, JBM suggests mentors that match your business needs and preferences. Find a mentor that matches your needs and book an hour-long session based on your mentor’s availabilities. You will be charged a flat hourly rate based on your mentor’s tier once the session request has been approved. Refer to our pricing chart for more information. Communication with your mentor will be held via videoconference on our platform and you are reminded in advance of your session’s start time by email. Once you’ve completed your video call, Sripe / Paypal /Telr will seamlessly transfer your payment to your mentor after 7 days.
Yes, either before discussing the project details with the mentor, or before starting the work, you can request them to sign an NDA.
No. Our platform is dedicated to empower entrepreneurs and our mentors are highly skilled professionals. This is not a platform for job offerings.
If you must cancel your session, we request that you do so more than 24 hours before your session is set to through your booking page. If you must cancel within 24 hours of your session, you will be charged a flat fee of AED 100 . To reschedule with the same mentor, simply book another open time slot from their listed availabilities.
Mentors are strongly urged to cancel 24 hours before your session is set to start. You will receive an email notification relating the reason for the cancellation. Mentors cannot reschedule.
We have an incredible offering of mentors on our platform and we are adding new mentors every day. If you would like to see someone specific on JBM please contact us and we will do our best to recruit them. If the specific discipline or business activity you are looking for is unrepresented, also let us know. We are always adding new services to our platform and want to make sure that everyone gets the guidance they need.
Mentorship is always not a perfect match. However, unless there are serious issues at hand, such as abuse, we ask that you kindly set your impressions aside and try to complete the session. If you’d like to signal an issue after, please contact us.
Yes, you can do so based on the availability of the mentor. We offer packages ranging between one to five sessions and to book more than five sessions you can contact JBM for discounted rates. For any inquiries or suggestions, please contact us.
Prior to booking a session with a mentor, we strongly encourage you read up on their specific areas of expertise to make sure they match your requirements and preferences. Upon booking, you must leave a short intro message describing the type of guidance you’re looking for and can add links to work for them to review prior to your session together. Preparing a bullet list of talking points and questions is also a great way to ensure you get all the answers you need and make sure to have a pen and paper ready once your session has begun. And remember, JBM is here to support you should you need an extra hand in getting started. Don’t hesitate to contact us if that’s the case.

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